Issue Bearers vs. Representatives:

Issue bearers are the people bringing an issue to the constellation. Representatives are the people inviting in the energy of the Field to represent people or parts of the issue bearers’ constellation. Both roles are incredibly powerful and healing.

To those considering the role of Issue-Bearer: What issues weigh heavily on your heart? What you would like to shift, understand, ease or release Hold your heartspace and connect with your deepest longings.

Commonly brought issues: chronic symptoms, addictions, family grudges, stuck family dynamics, uncertainty with stay-or-go, children carrying patterns and symptoms, unresolved trauma, cycles of self-sabotage or of victim/perpetrator.

Note: As issue bearers, you may also be invited to play a representative role in another issue-bearers constellation.

To those considering the role of Representatives:

As representative, you are in service to someone else’s healing journey. You will be invited to take on the role(s) of important people in someone else’s family system. If you are curious about Family Constellations, attending as a representative is a great way to familiarize yourself with the modality and gain a sense of whether you’d like to bring an issue in the future. There is always great learning in the Representative role, as you are able to feel and sense someone else’s emotions and desires. You can always decline an invitation to represent for any reason.

Family Constellation Q & A

What is Family Constellation Therapy?

Family Constellation or Systemic Constellation Therapy helps us resolve core

entanglements within our family systems. The modality weaves family systems

therapy with energy work to reveal the original harm that is the cause of our

suffering. When we are in conflict with ourselves, often it is because a part of us

feels it is necessary to enact actions, illnesses and patterns out of loyalty to our

family system, despite the great cost to our lives. After identifying the source,

sentences will be offered to facilitate a “Movement of the Soul,” healing the

underlying entanglement, and permitting love to flow once again.

A movement of the soul happens when our heart’s yearning for peace, joy or

understanding is greater than our longing to fill a wounded void in our family

system. The ultimate goal of Family Constellation Therapy is to facilitate a path for love to flow through the family system by identifying and resolving entanglements.

What happens during a Constellation?

We begin with an interview to hone the issue you are bringing. Celia will ask you

questions about your issue to build the energy of the Field. She is feeling for the

place in which the energy is electric because that is an indication that the

energy is ready to shift.

Then we will begin the constellation. Celia will invite you to invite others to

represent you, your family or other important people, places or events in a circle in front of you. Depending on how you place the objects–direction,

proximity and placement–Celia will develop a hypothesis about what the Field is


She will offer sentences for you or other representatives to say out loud and we will feel in our bodies if the sentences are correct, until we have a full picture of what has occurred.

There is often great emotional catharsis in seeing what has not been seen. We

make space for this.

Then we will see what movement is possible towards your heart’s desire. If

someone has taken on a role that is not theirs, we will give it back. If someone is

trying to solve something for someone in their family, we bow to their fate. If a

child has stepped into a parental role, we help the child be small again. If a deep

trauma occurred–that prevented a child from having their needs met–we create

a new somatic imprint by allowing the child to reach out and have their needs

met now.

Sometimes movement is not what is needed but acceptance of one’s fate. This

can bring great peace as well.

Each constellation will come to a natural closing point when the energy

dissipates and it’s clear to all that the work is complete.

What is the Field?

The Field, the Knowing Field, The Morphogenetic Field is the invisible energy

that ties everything and everyone in the universe together. It is everything past,

present and future. It is sound, time and sensation. It is happening all the time all

around us. In Family Constellation work, we tap into this Field with our intention

and allow the energy to guide us.

I want to be a representative but I don’t have experience with energy work.

Showing up as representative is a powerful way to cultivate somatic awareness, connecting with your own body and the energy of the Universe. Uncertainty is welcome. Please come if you are curious, even if you don’t know what will happen. The container will hold you and you will have an enlivening experience.

What issues are good to bring to a constellation?

Family Constellation provides a valuable framework for examining anything that

is troubling us in our lives: illness, relationship dynamics within a family,

partnership or workplace, unresolved grief, resentments, addictions, or

insurmountable patterns.

What issues are not good to bring to a constellation?

There are no specific issues that are not good to bring to a constellation

however there are two scenarios in which constellation work is not appropriate.

For those experiencing daily dysregulation, constellation work can be further

destabilizing and unintegratable. On a scale of 1-10, an issue is ready to be

brought when it is around a 6, 7, or 8. More than that and initial regulation work is

needed first. If this is a concern, reach out to me and I can advise.

Constellation work is also not appropriate for someone who deep down does not

want to change. However, constellation work can be clarifying if someone is

uncertain about their desire.

How can I prepare for my constellation? What if I don’t know very much

about my family?

After you sign up for your session, you will receive an email in preparation to help

you begin to identify your issue and heart’s desire. It’s not essential that this is

fully formed going into the session together since we will spend time in our

interview honing your issue.

Family Constellation work is so special because it can reveal information for

those who do not know about their family of origin. Through the Field, we surface

information that has been lost or forgotten. Often when something is seen in the

Field, it will trigger a memory or fact-finding mission that will prove the truth of

what was revealed.

What happens after the constellation?

After your constellation, the most important thing to do is trust that whatever

needed to happen has happened. Allow the new image that the constellation

provided to replace your initial pre-constellation stories.

Energy work is mysterious and powerful. Our brains cannot fathom all the

different ways a major energy shift can impact our lives. The best thing you can

do is be open to any and all shifts due to the constellation work. The integration

window is at least six months long, if not longer.

Can I take notes or record the Constellation?

Constellation work is not recorded. And that is because we really want to make

space for whatever movement has happened to replace the story we had

coming in. Constellation work is most effective when forgotten and so we do not

keep a record. In some instances, I will encourage an action to help integrate the

final image into your daily life. If it is necessary to write this down in order to

remember, I will encourage you to do so.

How frequently can I do Constellation work?

As a general rule of thumb, it is best not to bring the same issue more than once

in a six month period. However, sometimes a constellation reveals another

constellation and another, like a thread that unravels and additional constellation

can be helpful to support this opening. Different constellations can be

brought more frequently, monthly or bi weekly IF the energy is supportive of this

degree of rigor.